This is the selection of pieces currently available for immediate sale.
If you are interested in owning a piece of natty art, but do not see a subject
here that you are interested in, please contact the artist to discuss a
personal commission. Natalie is always happy to tackle special projects.
Natalie is ESPECIALLY happy to paint portraits of you and / or your pets!
Titus Andronicus Serving Chiron and Demetrius Pie, 2013, 18" x 24", watercolor / ink, $350
Lavinia, 2013, 18" x 24", watercolor / ink, $350
The Deviant Unicorn, 2011, 18" x 24", watercolor / ink, $200
Mad Hatter, 2005, 11" x 14", watercolor / ink, $200
Cheshire Cat, 2005, 11" x 14", watercolor / ink, $200
Queen of Hearts, 2006, 18"x24", mixed media, $350
The Aristocrat, 2006, 18" x 24", watercolor / ink, $350
Twang, 2005, 11" x 14", watercolor / ink, $350
Giddyup, 2005, 11" x 14", watercolor / ink, $200
Meow, 2006, 11" x 14", watercolor / ink, $100
Eat You Up, 2009, 18" x 24", watercolor / ink, $150
Annoying Hipster Dude, 2008, 11" x 14", mixed media, $100
Long Neck, 2008, 11"x14", mixed media, $100
Santa Claws, 2007, 11"x14", mixed media, $200
Shhh!, 2008, 11" x 14", watercolor / ink, $100
Dunce, 2007, 11"x14", mixed media, $75
Bunny, 2007, 11"x14", mixed media, $150
Lady Who Sat Across From Me on the Subway, 2008, 14" x 11", watercolor / ink, $50
These pieces are available for purchase, but there will be a delay in getting the art to you:
Gluttony, 2006, 24"x18", mixed media, $400
Greed, 2006, 24"x18", mixed media, $400
Wrath, 2009, 24"x18", mixed media, $400
Pride, 2009, 24"x18", mixed media, $400
Envy, 2009, 24"x18", mixed media, $400
Sloth, 2009, 24"x18", mixed media, $400